June 14, 2023 Breakfast Meeting Notes

June 14, 2023 Breakfast Meeting Notes


Tony’s Trivia: Rotary Extravaganza


50/50 was won by Peggy.


Alicia presented more Transition Grants. Summer McKenzie will study nursing. She will use the grant for scrubs, new shoes. She will also receive 2 sets of scrubs from us. Grace Bannon will be studying nursing (did LNA program in HS). Shelby Guitierre will go to beauty school in Laconia; she will use her grant to purchase scrubs and cosmetics for the program. Ashley Bennett has gotten her LNA at high school and will be using the money to buy scrubs. She will go to NC to study biology with hopes of becoming a doctor eventually. Aiden Kay will study to be a marine technician and he will use the money to buy tools.


The club voted to approve Kelly Drew as District Governor Elect.


Mike on the Styrofoam program: We are working on how to approach select boards in Thornton, Holderness and Plymouth to help make up the shortfall between our district grant and the cost of the bins. Megan Theriault from Gilford is going to come to Holderness to talk to their select board about the project. A local electrician has been saving his styrofoam for our next collection. 


Mike also spoke about our club website. The upcoming administration committee will work on revising our web presence. We currently have two websites: our basic ClubRunner website, which interfaces with RI, and the annual fund website, which ties in directly to our Foundation. We want to be sure that the public has ways of seeing both of these sites and we need to decide how we integrate/partner these two websites.


Steve spoke about the situation.  The ClubRunner site is mainly for Rotarians to access internal information, while the Foundation website is directed to the general public. The Foundation page has a listing of our major donors, so it doesn’t have to link donors to a specific fundraiser. It also allows us to use Givebutter to take donations. He thinks that there is a way to link ClubRunner to the back end of the other websites.


It was agreed that we need better search engine optimization so that people searching for us don’t wind up at website for some other Plymouth. Denise would like to see a more engaging front page on the site. We need to get our forms updated so that our funding request form (fillable) is back on the website. 


Mo mentioned that longtime member Fred LaFontaine passed away a couple of weeks ago. He was a member for over 60 years. Larry Sterns is the oldest living past president of our club.


Beth reports that orientation at camp started this Monday. She asked us to play a game in which we came up with two fun facts about ourself, one of which wasn’t true, and asked the rest of us to figure out which one was the lie. 


Steve DeMaris from Milford mentioned that their Rotary club is having its main fundraiser, a 100 hole golf tournament, this weekend. They have 62 golfers play 100 holes of golf in one day. The highest seller in the history of the tournament is a Rotarian who sold $10,000 dollar’s worth of tickets.


We received a thank you note from Trevor Tobin for his scholarship.

Respectfully submitted,

Lora Miller, secretary