November 1, 2023 Breakfast Meeting Notes

November 1, 2023 Breakfast Meeting Notes


Guests: George Barnaowski, Phil LaMoreaux


Tony Trivia: Halloween edition. 


50/50: Ken Williamson won and donated to Tom’s tip.


Card game: Ben won the draw but picked the ace of hearts instead of the ace of spades. The game continues. 


Announcements: Last weekend Beth, Denise and Mike attended Rotary Leadership Institute in St Johnsbury. This will be an annual end-of-October event going forward. They enjoyed the exchange of ideas. Beth noted that there are 3 levels of training plus graduate training in RLI; Beth and Denise did level 1 and Mike has now reached level 4 and is now able to be a facilitator. Congratulations to Mike!


Penny sale: Show up at 3 pm to get gifts out. There is a playoff football game at the high school at the same time, so the parking lot will be full.  We can pull right up to the curb to park if necessary.  Once we are set up, people can run out for dinner…return by 5:30 for the evening. If anyone has gifts to bring that night, they will be added on. Nancy and Ken will do grand prize table, Sharon and Renee will be the announcers, and the Polimenos from Lincoln will help out with ticket sales. Omer will write the numbers for Sharon. 


Alicia and a couple of bankers will work the back. Alicia will take the cash directly to the bank afterwards. Steve will bring all supplies. Peggy suggested wearing our fluorescent vests as well. The presidents will call the winners of the grand prizes. The school will be selling hot dogs and we have the same DJ as last year. We don’t know if Alex will bring additional food or not. 


Watch to be sure that the large prizes don’t get picked up by the wrong person or just random folks (last year someone won a rug, put it aside to go look for another prize, and someone else took the rug). Also watch prizes in the first half hour or so as sometimes people will just walk out with them. 


The event will start at 7. Peggy will be bringing frozen turkeys from Hannaford; she will keep them in her car but will need help getting them into the building and may need to get help from the school to refrigerate them. Beth will call the school about tables. Bill requested that we bring ticket sale money and tickets on Saturday if not before. Banners will come down at 8 am on Sunday.


Mike: Dawn LeMieux is a former member who goes on service projects in the south with her husband every year. They are going to Florida this year and are gathering books to take there for little free libraries, particularly books that are banned in Florida. Dawn will come to our meeting and collect the books. Contact Mike if you would like to see a list of the books she is requesting. 


Denise is at Lincoln Woodstock today in her role as assistant DG.


Happy dollars: Two weeks after the Penny Sale the Knights of Columbus will be having their auction and dinner. Air Force won its game again for the Commander in Chief’s trophy and will play Army this weekend.


On November 14, the Chamber of Commerce is having a social event sponsored by a Waterfille Valley business and they will let us have a table there to talk about the styrofoam project. We will have a joint event with Chamber of Commerce in January-February to showcase Rotary. 


Ken has a speaker from NH Electric Coop, if anyone is looking for a speaker.


Respectfully submitted


Lora Miller, secretary