Today was a club forum, with many interesting topics....
In attendance: Mike, Denise, Steve, Ben, Paul, Omer, Braden, Ken, Sharon, Alex, Walter, Sue.
Ben opened the meeting with the pledge, prayer and a song.
Ken reported out on PGT:
- 26 acts, several more expected from PRHS.
- 60 sponsors with $15,000.
- FB and radio ads to start next week.
- Working on script to introduce and segue between acts, Rotary history and an invitation to join.
- All questions about viewing should be directed to the website, as there will be multiple links to the platforms showing the event.
- Acts will be available for viewing and voting on starting Nov 1, but the grand premier showing is the 7th.
- The committee is meeting Thursday am to regroup on acts and editing them down in size where necessary.
- EVERYONE please recheck your responsibilities to connect with possible sponsors.
The update on the district masks is that we will give them to area youth groups and the senior center.
Speech contest will be active in February and March, Mike will need to hand over to another Rotarian. It will run for less time as there will only be two rounds.
A texting app in addition to email is being investigated to see if it improves responses. Since several Rotarians do not work with their email on a daily basis, we miss getting information to them. Steve found an app on RI, can be used with non-smart phones too.
The board is looking at adding a temporary increase to dues, to cover lost revenue due to no card games or 50/50 at weekly meetings. The message will be balanced with why the club needs the income and at Walter's suggestion, an accounting of how our dues support the club will be included in the request.
With the rise in community transmission and reported cases, Alex has donated another 1,500 smaller youth masks, that were gifted to him from Honduras. They will go to PRHS and Holderness Central School.
Alex started a conversation on options for a responsible community holiday event, possibly at the Barn with Santa, candy and cocoa. We will also need to set a date soon for decorating the common, and Ben will check with Peggy on anticipated expenses as some garland etc needs to be replaced. Steve reminded us that we have $4,000 in unallocated funds on hand that could be used for this and adding lights to the rooftops on Main Street.
respectfully submitted,