Today was also a club forum!
In  attendance:
Ben, Denise, Sue, Mike, Ken, Sharon, Tony Steve, Alex, Bill, Lisa, Moe, Omer, Walter, Brandon.
Guests: Lora,  Nancy
Ben opened with the Pledge, prayer and a song.
Tony shared NH Trivia
Club forum:
Next speech contest moved to the 24th
PETs is underway
Denise and Mike reported on several engaging topics
Mike was congratulated on 11 years with Plymouth Rotary
Decorations on the Common are coming down on the 27th @ 9am, we are missing two of our ladder climbers, Alex and Steve, so extra help and ladders would be welcome.
Interact is planning a FaceBook Group Family Fun night, Bill can get you the link.
We are compiling a list of accomplishments during the past year:
MaskUp, Drive in Santa, PGT, Decorations downtown, Vaccine Support, Food Bank, Livermore Falls, Multi Club Projects Spring Cleanup, Spring cleanup at South beach, Desks, multiple interact projects at PRHS.
Submit Citizen of The Year nominations to Moe
Board meeting on Friday.
Omer's " Just Omer" is returning to PBTV.
The CMan is welcoming us back for those wishing to return to live meetings.
Respectfully submitted,