Today was a club forum!
In attendance:
Denise, Tony, Ben ,Steve, Ken, Mike, Alex, Sharon, Bill, Braden, Paul, Peggy, Omer.
Guest: Nancy Dyer, Lora Miller
Club forum format
congratulations to Omer for 41 years of continued service to Rotary!
Ben opened the meeting with the pledge, a prayer and a song.
Tony provided NH Trivia
A huge thanks to Paul for facilitating the Speech contest. Certificates have been presented. Next week will be the Lincoln Woodstock/ Plymouth Speech contest.
PGT is still looking at enlarging the talent show and adding an online raffle. they are also confident that some sort of HTHC will occur in December.
Mike invited all Rotarians to attend the 3/11 meeting at 6:30pm and meet the incoming RI president, as well as the 3/16 Randolf meeting at 7am to meet the current RI president. Rotary will be offering several topic related trainings online, Mike has details. The District conference will be held at the end of April.
The Kanc Clean Up project is being led by Jay Palaminio, and will be held June 5th, am and pm shifts available. Also July 24th in Pinkham Notch.
Bill reported out on Interact's Family Fun Night. By liking their Virtual Storytime NH Facebook page, you will receive an invite to join. they are also in the process of transitioning their leadership to younger members.
Bill also reported that Camp Mayhew has delivered 8 desks, and that CADY is building and distributing them as part of their Restorative Justice program. Denise will create a Flyer for Ladders so customers can sign up for desks.
Sharon asked for participation reading scholarship entries later this month. Lisa will be scanning them to aid , and nearly new member Nancy dyer offered to help as well.
Alex reminded us a date for Christmas Decorations take down needs to be set and March 27th was chosen.
Sharon reminded us that the Speaker invite rotation will be starting up again for the year.
Respectfully submitted,