Today was a club forum!
In attendance: Tony, Denise, Steve, Ben, Ken, Sharon, Paul, Alex, Sara, Lisa, Bill, Omer, Sue, Mike, Braden, Peggy Walter.
Club forum was opened with the pledge, prayer and a song.
Mike reported that the District has more masks available if we need or want to distribute them.
Mike reported that the Rnadolph CLub will have Holger Knaack speaking on March 16th.
Ben asked for someone to take up where Martha left off with RYLA, Denise said she would be happy to see if it is a task she can manage after input from Martha.
Denise spoke about the membership meeting with the board, ready to move ahead with details for the focus group, Denise and Ken will continue to work on the press releases looking for volunteers. Denise read the information from Randolph Sunrise Club and will forward to membership.
Peggy offered to investigate the possibilities of a Rabies clinic this year.
Paul reported that the Speech contest is on target for March 3rd and 17th, no entries yet, but information has gone out to schools. A poll can be used for the judges per Sara. 
Lisa reported on PSU, students arriving, testing back in the schedule .
Bill reported waiting to hear back from the SAU and PSH on the desk project. Denise stated MPA is ready to move ahead with a desk for MPA day students. 
Sara spoke about the district governor's zoom meeting being causal and informative.
Peggy reported speaking with our "chef" Tom at the CMan was struggling with his animal rescue group; donations to Tom can be dropped off to Peggy at The Flowersmiths in envelopes. This prompted a discussion about electronic options for Rotarians to pay dues, fund raise etc. Paul will research on Club Runner.
Sara asked about running our Zoom meetings on FB live.
Happy Birthday to Walter!
Steve opened a discussion on the topic of politics vs civic engagement within Rotary, the consensus was that for the most part political discussion should not become a part of Rotary, political speakers can report on their work for us and topics of interest.
Alex, Lisa, Ben and Paul all added to the discussion.
Respectfully submitted,