Today was a club forum....
in attendance: Denise, Steve, Alex, bill, Tony, Lisa, Sue, Ken,  Ben, Braden, Mike, Peggy, Paul, Sharon.
Guest: Julia Lafleur, Nancy Dyer, Lora Miller
Ben opened with the Pledge, a prayer and a song.
Tony followed up with NH Trivia
Ben asked for reports from the Board meeting.
Denise reported that pGT is a go, but the Penny Sale on hold until it can be held in its traditional format. An online raffle of some sorts is also a strong possibility.A small committee is needed to unpack the fund raising topic effectively.
Membership again needs to establish a small active committee with Moe onboard, and explore the focus group, mission, and membership issues.
Speech contest is good to go, with the need for a few more judges, time keeper and a possible new entry.
Desks have been delivered to CADY< Mayhew and MPA.Ken is putting together the PR writeup to be submitted to the paper with photos. A suggestion was made to leave a desk at Ladders with an invitation to request one for a child in need.
NH clean up day is in progress with Jay for June 5th on the Kanc and July 17 for Pinkham Notch.