This week, Rotarian Lisa Doner gave an overview of the work of the Baker River Watershed Association. Meeting minutes as follows....
In attendance via Zoom and Live!
Brandon, Ben, Lisa, Alex, Ken, Peggy, Denise, Steve, Mike, Sharon, Omer, Sara.
Guest Phil Gossel, returning to the Plymouth club soon.
Ben opened the meeting with the Pledge, prayer and song. No Tony this week, his Trivia was missed.
Ben welcomed back Phil, and shared Sara's 7 year anniversary with Rotary.
Lisa was our speaker today, representing Baker River Watershed Association. She explained how multiple stakeholders have come together for community quality management of the rivers. Since the 1980's they have tested the water and educated the public, providing outreach not regulation. Their goals are to improve water quality in the river basin covering Mount Moosilauke, Stinson, Groton, Warren, which all flow into the river channel in Plymouth. They also work with the Pemi River Advisory. The mission is to educate and promote scientific advances and soil conservation. They cooperate with US Forest Service and NH Environmental Services. They are composed of small town groups of 2 or 3 people and are actively seeking members. They collect water at 12 points along the river, and samples sent to Concord have a very tight time frame. Collected data shows Warren and Wentworth usually clean and quality dropping moving downstream due to several variables like old abandoned outhouses, camps, and poor leach fields. Towns pay for testing, so acquiring their own equipment has allowed for less expensive treating and more flexibility.
Phil asked about reporting soil erosion, and Lisa answered there are grants available to rebuild lost banks and replant vegetation. Steve reported that the Warren road agent felt that climate change was adding to the problem. Lisa agreed and spoke about the last two major storms and the loss of a local house. Permission was given for heavy dredging to correct the channel, but erosion is still happening. Steve asked if the increased EColi levels was the result of poor septic systems, and Lisa reported the sources are usually unknown due to limited testing sites. Ben asked how long EColi lived and was told, "decades" and shared that food waste and dead animals also contribute. Omer stated that more community members need to be involved.
Ben led a discussion of "new business" and stated that the new speakers list is on the website and is alphabetical so check to see your dates. Ken reported on the Dollars for Scholars meeting. The committee is off and running and will have solid information for the next meeting. Members will be asked to solicit cash and gift card donations this year from the regular list.
A shout out to Sharon for creating the PDF's on incoming mail. A flyer from Rotary's ShelterBox program and request from Lakes Region Mental Health have been received this week.
Steve and Alex reported on the last Mask Up NH event as very successful with 3,000 masks dispensed and $1,800 raised. There could possibly be a last Plymouth event. The state of NH has stockpiled over 200,000 cloth masks for distribution to towns and schools. Mike reported on a sincere thank you from the District Governors on our program.
Lisa spoke about lots of information from PSU and possible misinformation on Rotary as a mask distribution point. Steve reported that PSU had 3,000 cloth masks to distribute to incoming students, and that teachers were responsible for their own. Plymouth Rotary will be handing over its MaskUp NH website URL to the NH Hospital Association.
Thanks to Ken for the article in the District newsletter with a reminder that the minutes are posted online at the website.
Respectfully submitted: