Meeting notes for September 1, 2021
Meeting notes from 9/1/2021
Guest and speaker: Steve Rand’s guest - John Gagne of Citizens Climate Lobby
Denise opened the meeting with a quote from Lady Bird Johnson: “The environment is where we all meet; where all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share. It is not only a mirror of ourselves, but a focusing lens on what we can become.”
Tony had more NH trivia for everyone.
Raffle’s: 50/50 one by Steve Rand and Card Game raffle was drawn by Alex Ray, and he pulled the 7 of clubs. We are looking for the 6 of diamonds and the jackpot rolls to $293 and there are 44 cards left in the deck.
Steve’s speaker this week was John Gagne a volunteer and NH coordinator for Citizens Climate Lobby (CCL). This is a Non-partisan grass roots organization that creates the political will using their voices to tell government what we want. Their principle aligns with Rotary and the founder of CCL is a long time Rotarian, Marshall Saunder. Marshall has been working on climate for 15 years. This is a global pollution problem.
We want a livable world and we can all create climate change. CCL wants to increase carbon pricing and increase demand for alternative energy, when carbon pricing goes up, alternative energy demands increase, prices go down and add jobs, resulting in lower emissions.
John gave us a little Science 101 as studies shows:
- It’s warming- last 150 years shows animal/human activities cause CO2 emiissions
- It’s us – Main cause – Gas, Oil, Coal and land use
- We’re Sure – studies show this at and there is scientific consensus
- It’s urgent –this is widespread and increasing rapidly and with intensity
- We can fix it – using government influence, laws, local and federal to cause change
CCL has plans locally within our State, as well as national and global plans. For example institute carbon fees & tax pollution to polluting companies. Border Carbon Adjustments, carbon pricing on imports and rebates on exports…
CCL is free to join. What’s missing is the political will to solve this. Learn about this topic and talk about it. Advocate for effective policies and engage local leaders and media.
Alex and Steve are working with ETC and Tiger on a fundraiser on 9/12/2021. See them for more information. They are looking for volunteers.
An invitation from fellow Rotarian Omer Ahern who has already signed up. Please consider helping if you can.
Hello Troops!
September is Hunger Action Month! We'll be full steam ahead over the next month with a variety of events and Mobile Food Pantries! More details about volunteer needs for these events are detailed in the opportunity on our volunteer site.
- Click here to view our MFP schedule
- 9/13/2021-12th annual WBS Harvest Golf Classic
- 9/15/2021- *Two events this day* AGI Food Show and Hunger is the Pitts!
- 9/24/2021 & 10/1/2021- MAC Off competition held at the Food Bank
Manchester this Friday, has been a bit tough to find volunteers for and we are still in need of about 7 volunteers. Please feel free to share this email with anyone you think may be interested.
Below is a message from our Cooking Matters Team:
The New Hampshire Food Bank is seeking a Cooking Matters AmeriCorps Direct member. Are you passionate about food? Ensuring access to healthy foods for low-income families? Then this could be for you!
The AmeriCorps member will work with Cooking Matters staff to implement hands-on cooking and nutrition classes that teach local families at risk of hunger that healthy cooking and eating can be delicious, enjoyable and affordable. See the full position description here. Even if a year of service if not right for you, PLEASE share with your network or anyone you know who might be interested!