May 22, 2024 Breakfast Meeting Notes


Tony began with his famous NH trivia. Today’s topic: Animal Kingdoms in NH. 


The 50/50 was won by Walter, who donated it to Tom.

We started a brand new card game. Tony won the chance to draw and pulled the 4 of spades.


Today we are inducting two new members, Erica LaBella and Phil LaMoreaux. Mike discussed the history of Rotary and its scale worldwide; these new members should appreciate that they are part of something very big and important! Since their sponsors were not here today, pinning will take place at a later date.  


Ken noted that 13 of our members have contributed $2500 to Rotary International for Paul Harris Plus recognition. He will be sending off the paperwork today. 


The winner of Citizen of the Year was announced to the club. The formal public announcement, including the name of the person, will be announced at Changing of the Guard.


Changing of the Guard will be on Tuesday June 18, at 6 pm at the Barn on the Pemi. There will be no Wednesday morning meeting the following day. The first Citizen of Year was Calvin Carpenter in 1978. He owned the Plymouth Inn, which was on Main Street. 


Beth thanked those of us who came to Circle Camp to do cleanup. The Camp looks great!


Steve thanked Lora, Ken, Alex, Denise, and Nancy for helping at the Historical Society’s 50th Anniversary this past Saturday. There will be special programs this year marking the 50th Anniversary, usually on a Wednesday night. All members should take the time to visit the museum. Next month, June 12 at 5 pm, Steve is in charge of a program called “The Little Courthouse that Could”. The courthouse is the oldest extant building in Plymouth, built in 1775 by David Webster, the founder of our town. It was also the place where Daniel Webster argued his first case.


Tony is ordering badges. If you need a new one, please let him know. Erica and Phil will be getting one automatically.


Ken Evans spoke about the visioning sessions. We have sent out the results of the interviews with the thought leaders to all club members. We are organizing two sessions, on June 13 at 6 pm at the Senior Center and on June 15 at 10 am  at the Plymouth High School library, so that community members can provide input. We will need at least 10 Rotarians per session to run the programs, so please find some time to help. Ken will send out a signup sheet. We are advertising on Facebook, though the press, in the Pennysaver, etc. We can also print up posters and Sharon volunteered to hang them up downtown. Please share it out on your Facebook page. 


Sharon announced that she is working on speaker assignments for next 6 months. If anybody has a specific date or month that they would prefer, let her know. If your assigned date doesn’t work for you, swap with someone else. Kelly Drew should know all of her visit dates by this weekend, so Sharon will work her into the schedule. In addition Sharon brought leftover Rotary t shirts, hats, etc If you would like one of these items, you can buy them this morning. Pay Ken or Sharon. Renee has also been asked to come up with some new Rotary merchandise. 


July 31 is CruiseNight at the amphitheater at 5 pm. We will do a barbecue and raffle. We will sell little toy cars for the kids. Volunteers will be needed. 


Denise has an invitation from the Lions Club to have Rotarians attend their next monthly meeting in June. This is scheduled for June 12, at 6:30 pm at Fosters. They would like 2 or 3 Rotarians attend as their guests. 


District changeover is June 8 in North Conway. It will be a casual afternoon event, beach themed. 


Alex noted that the Hobo Railroad has been sold and is no longer owned by Clark’s. It was bought by a bigger railroad company. The new owners will probably increase the frequency of trains and use of the tracks. Unfortunately the tracks would also have been ideal for a rail trail. 


Alex also mentioned that he lost a friend (Arthur Irving) last week. There was a full page spread in the newspaper about him. 


Happy dollars were shared by Denise, Phil, Mike, and Erica. 


Erica announced a pizza potluck for HOLA (Health Outdoors Language Action), the HOLA Olympics to be held on Sunday May 26 from 5-8 pm at the Mountain Fare Inn at 7 Old Waterville Road, Campton. Bring your favorite toppings! The event will feature yard games and speaking of different languages. For more information, contact Erica at 603-728-5013.


Respectfully submitted, 


Lora Miller, secretary