Breakfast meeting notes from 2.9.22
2.9.2022 Breakfast meeting
Raffle: 50/50 – Lora won and donated to Tom’s tip
Card Game Raffle - $90 Looking for 6 of spades Bill drew 2 of hearts
We had a couple of guests: Alicia Ladouceur, of Pemi Valley Excavating, again , Danielle Paquette-Horne of Pemi Baker Hospice, and Steve’s guest Peter Lovett.
Host: Ben Amsden
Speaker/entertainer: Quinn Amsden
Quinn played several bluegrass songs on the guitar and mandolin. Quinn takes lessons in Concord NH. If everyone remembers he played at the Changing of the Guard last June. He did a great job, and it was a wonderful way to begin our day. Thanks Quinn!
If you missed it, you can see it again on Facebook here: plymouthnhrotaryclub/videos/ 311985964227441
Denise is working with Steve, and Lora to test the breakout rooms for the speech contest. Not sure who will be in the contest yet.
Superbowl squares are all taken now, and we drew the numbers. The grids were emailed out last week. Let Sharon or Braden know if you do not have your’s yet. 1 winner each quarter of $250 per quarter. Good luck everyone. If you have not paid for your squares yet, see Ken Evans.
Last: Have openings for the Board, and President Elect and Vice President still, see Denise and Braden if you are interested.
Happy dollars today, Sharon bragged about her daughter, Isabel. Many may remember Isabel would help our Club at the Penny Sale and Duck Stampede. She is all grown up, graduated college with two degrees she recently received a raise at her job and Sharon is very proud.
Happy dollar from Denise, her son Matt is serving in the military and heading to Kiev. She says this is Matt’s calling, and he is excited to be going. We wish him well and appreciate his service.